Welcome to the Laboratory for Autonomy, Control, and Intelligent Transportation Systems (LACITS). Our research is at the forefront of developing novel control and decision-making systems that enable the next generation of robotic systems, autonomous vehicles and intelligent transportation systems.
Keywan Mohammadi joined our lab as a PhD student. Welcome aboard!
Alexander Oman joined our lab as a MASc research assistant. Welcome aboard!
LACITS Lab now has a GitHub account! We'll be sharing student project codes where possible. Stay tuned for updates!
Dr. Taghavifar will be the Conference Co-Chair for Workshops/Tutorials at IEEE ITSC'24 in Edmonton, September 24-27, 2024. We’re attending the conference with Erfan Doroudian and Victor Rasidescu, who will each present their papers.
Zhizhong Guo received the Split Graduate Fellowship GCS award! Congratulations Zhizhong!
Zhizhong Guo joined our lab as a PhD student (co-supervised by Professor Wen-Fang Xie). Welcome aboard!
Jules Karangwa joined our lab as a PhD student (co-supervised by Professor Subhash Rakheja). Welcome aboard!
Victor Rasidescu defended his MASc. thesis with the rating of "Excellent"! Congratulations, Victor.
Bao Ma joined our lab as a MASc research assistant (co-supervised by Professor Subhash Rakheja). Welcome aboard!
Dr. Taghavifar has been elevated to the IEEE Senior Member level.
Erfan is the recipient of the Concordia Merit Scholarship 2024. Congratulations Erfan!
Neda Shamaeian joined our lab as a PhD student (co-supervised by Professor Youmin Zhang). Welcome aboard!
Erfan Doroudian joined our lab as a MASc research assistant. Welcome aboard!
Amir Afsharinejad joined us as a PhD student. Amir will be co-supervised with Professor Anh-Tu Nguyen from INSA Hauts-de-France, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France. Welcome aboard!
Angelo Ugenti joined us as a visiting PhD student from the Polytechnic University of Bari. Welcome aboard!
Victor Rasidescu joined our lab as a MASc research assistant. Welcome aboard!
Dr. Taghavifar Joined the Department of Mechanical, Industrial, and Aerospace Engineering at Concordia University in August 2022.